Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Christian Appalachian Project

      Recently, I've realized how I've only though of my problems and the things going on in my life. I never bothered to consider those in other countries, or even those in my area. Once I realized this, I started some research. I found this beautiful organization called the Christian Appalachian Project, a nonprofit organization that focuses on the poverty in the Appalachian area. They help feed the homeless, assist the elderly, help reconstruct after natural disasters, and lend a hand to the disabled. It's people like this that are working to better the lives of American Citizens. I have no photos, but I think the organization speaks for itself!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


The Godmother!

our cupcakes!

       This weekend was full of excitement! We had our dance, went to an amusement park, and even baked some sweets! This afternoon a friend and I went to a local deli, Phila Deli, and I got a sandwich called the Godmother!! It was delicious!! Also, a few of us got together and baked some cupcakes for the dance, which turned out beautifully!! I couldn't be happier!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

    I'm not exactly old enough for a real prom, but my school decided to throw one for my grade. Listen. A fake prom may not exactly be a walk in the park for some people, but to my friends and I (who just happen to be on the prom committee) its fun. We did a lot of hard work on this, and to have others constantly put it down, its really annoying! Anywho, my friends and I are really looking forward to it, and I can't wait to see how it turns out!!! I just love picking out dresses, and taking pictures to remember the night will be even better!!


Friday, May 18, 2012

Bonne Anniversaire!

This post is dedicated to my one of a kind best friend, kate! She's extremely talented in so many categories and I am so lucky to have her as a friend along with our other BFF rebecca. Don't know what I'd do without you kate! OR you rebecca! Happy birthday kate, I hope (and know) that all your dreams will come true!
Click here to visit Kate's blog! Click here to visit rebecca's!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012


                 As I get closer and closer to the end of the school year, I feel like the stress really starts to pile on. One minute I'm all relaxed, and the next I realize I have to study for exams and try-out for fall soccer and just do so many things that I feel like I don't have the time to do! But, after a while I started to realize that there's nothing more I can do than what I'm doing now, so I enjoyed finishing of a bowl of brownie batter and hung out with my dog. My advice to you is just to cross those stress bridges when you come to them, but try not to get too worried over something that hasn't happened yet!
This is just a really quick post so that I can do bloglovin'! My real post for today will be later on! Follow me on bloglovin' and Stumbleupon! ignore the link below!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

click here to see her blog

          What a lovely day!! This was my first day with nothing to do, so I sat back, relaxed and enjoyed my Mocha Cookie Crumble from Starbucks! I have to say, it was delicious! I had a very stress free day, no testing, no projects, and nothing worth worrying about. In this time, I've decided to post my big posts weekly, the ones including big articles and events. However, over the week, I'll post things like this, just short recounts of my day! My major posts will be on Sundays! I hope you had a stress free day and remember to allow yourself sometime to relax!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sometimes, you just have to go to the bathroom. With only 4-5 minutes in between classes, you don't have much time, so when you get the chance you get there at a running pace. What you don't want to run into is a bathroom full of rapping, cussing, and writing on the mirror. And trust me, once you open that door, there is no going back. You have to squeeze through the crowd of people just to get into a stall. By the time you make it through, enough people have left to make it quiet, but not everyone is gone. This is where it takes a turn for the worst. You get ready to go to the bathroom, when you realize that going is not a quiet activity, and in this situation, you want it to be. Do you wait? Do you let it out? Sometimes, it's just to awkward to do either. When this happens to me, which it does a lot, I usually wait it out, but then it's even more weird.... 

I know this article wasn't great, but it's hard to find inspiration for a good article. I hope you can relate to this!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Click here to see her bog.

In my first post, I was in the bit of a rush, so I didn't get to really explain my blog. This is a blog inspired by the everyday complications and happy moments of everyday life that no one really addresses. I'll get my inspiration for articles from personal experiences, adventures, and embarrassing moments!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Au Milieu; V.  Meaning- in the middle.

This is a blog about the everyday lives of everyday people.